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CEO update – September 2023

Celebrating Our Latest Milestones and Exciting Opportunities

Welcome to our new and longstanding Clients, their families and support networks, we hope you are all well on your way to making this year your year.

It’s hard to believe that three months have flown by since our last newsletter, so I’d like to share some exciting updates and developments with all of you.

First and foremost, our Windsor Gardens redevelopment project. The approval from the Board to invest $1.7 million continues to transform disAbility Living’s residential accommodation and bring our vision for a modern, inclusive, and welcoming space for our community to a reality. The construction teams have started work, and we can’t wait to see it all completed by June 2024.

Speaking of Windsor Gardens, with the redevelopment now well and truly underway, we have opened expressions of interest for two individuals seeking a home with a High Physical Support design.  We’ve started our search now to ensure we can client-match individuals to our existing housemates and what they are looking for in a housemate, so if you or someone you know is looking for a new place to call home in 2024, please let them know about this opportunity.  To give you a sneak peek into what this four-bedroom home offers or express your interest, we’ve prepared a comprehensive brochure to explore.

Mark your calendars! On 1 December, we’re celebrating the International Day of Persons with Disabilities again with an unforgettable fair at Smith Partners Stadium, the home of the Modbury Soccer Club. This event promises to be a highlight of the year, bringing together our amazing community. Watch for registration details in your inbox next week – you won’t want to miss this year’s Client and Staff event.

Our Lifestyle and Community Participation (LCP) team has been hard at work designing a Weekday Adventure Program that’s all about YOU. We understand that everyone has unique goals and interests, and our varied support programs allow us to offer a “choose your own adventure” experience. Whether it’s exploring new hobbies, connecting with nature, or diving into creative pursuits, we’re here to support you every step of the way. If you want to know more, contact our Client Engagement team or keep a lookout for details and further information in the next week.

From our staff to our clients and their families, we’re proud of our progress this year and are even more excited about what the future holds.

Thank you for your continued trust and support. We look forward to sharing more updates and celebrating more achievements with you in the coming months.


Warm Regards
